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Chaosium Monograph

The Parapsychologist's Handbook - A new occupation for Call of CthulhuCHA#0302Oct 20035
End Time - Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying At The World's EndCHA#0305Nov 20033
Raising Up - A Mini-Campaign for Call of CthulhuCHA#0304Ene 20042
The Abbey - Resources for Cthulhu Dark AgesCHA#0303Feb 20044
Cthulhu Invictus - Cthulhu Roleplaying in Ancient RomeCHA#0301Ago 20044
Mysteries of Morocco 7 opinionesCHA#0306Ago 2004
First Book of Things - Items, Spells & Creatures for Call of CthulhuCHA#0307Ago 20043
Caligo Accedendum Tournament - An Adventure For Cthulhu Dark AgesCHA#0309Sep 20043
Machine Tractor Station Kharkov-37 - A Cthulhu Scenario Set in Stalin's U.S.S.R. 7 opinionesCHA#0310Nov 20049.003
Ripples from Carcosa - Three Struggles Against Hastur Across Time & Space 5 opinionesCHA#0312Feb 20054
The Pastores - A Malefic Cult For Cthulhu Dark AgesCHA#0313Mar 20052
Ramblings Of A Twisted Muse - Cthulhu Adventures: Our Time Runs Short!CHA#0314Abr 20052
Strange Songs - A Quintet of Adventures For Call of CthulhuCHA#0315May 20053
The Big Book of Cults - Evil Cults for Call of CthulhuCHA#0316Jun 20053
Legacies of the Renaissance - A 1920s Scenario for Call of CthulhuCHA#0318Jun 20053
Toying With Humans 21 opinionesCHA#0317Jul 20052
The Gaslight Equipment Catalogue 5 opinionesCHA#0319Ago 20058.006
The Last Trial - A 1730s Scenario For Call of CthulhuCHA#0320Ago 20051
Tales of Death & DarknessCHA#0321Ago 20053
Terror - A Call of Cthulhu Adventure In The 1930s Soviet Union 6 opinionesCHA#0322Sep 20052
Cthulhu Masters - Tournament 05CHA#0323Sep 20053
Gatsby and the Great Race 6 opinionesCHA#0324Oct 20054
Twilight MemoirsCHA#0325Nov 20053
Halloween HorrorCHA#0326Nov 20053
The Fellowship of the Witching HourCHA#0328Jul 20062
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Chaosium Monograph

EE.UU., California
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