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The Fertile Red Lands of Cochinchina (2021)

Patrick ChandlerEscritor

The Fertile Red Lands of Cochinchina (1926)

The French-Indochina Rubber Corporation pursues its own interests through subjugating the local population and bending the jungles to its will. A local tribe having been almost wiped out by the invaders retreats into the jungle where they plot and plan revenge on the colonial invaders who have set roots down in their land. Little do the invaders know; they are not the only invaders that have also taken root in the Red Lands of Cochinchina…

The Fertile Red Lands of Cochinchina is a “sandbox” scenario where investigators can explore at their leisure… or at their panic…


Journal d'Indochine. Volume 1Sons of Singularity2021

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The Fertile Red Lands of Cochinchina
Inglés, 2021
Escenario, La Llamada de Cthulhu

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1920s ●●
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