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Personalities (1998)

Lynn Willis 4 opinionesEscritor

Personalities from Lovecraft's Tales (1992, inglés)

Sandy Petersen 55 opinionesEscritor

Call of Cthulhu (30th Anniversary Edition) 5 opinionesChaosium2011
Call of Cthulhu (25th Anniversary Edition) 3 opinionesChaosium2006
Call of Cthulhu (6th Edition)Chaosium2004
Call of Cthulhu (20th Anniversary Edition) 10 opinionesChaosium2001
Call of Cthulhu (5.6 Edition)Chaosium1999
Call of Cthulhu (5.5 Edition)Chaosium1998

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Inglés, 1998

Personalities from Lovecraft's Tales
Inglés, 1992
Reglas, La Llamada de Cthulhu

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