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Victor Manuel Leza Moreno

Sitio Web del Ilustrador

Cover (for "Down Darker Trails - Shadows Over Stillwater")2019Ilustrador
Cover art (for "Call of Cthulhu Starter Set")2018Ilustrador
Front Cover and Interior Art ("Reign of Terror")2017Ilustrador
Cover for "Petersen's Abominations"2017Ilustrador
Illustrations for "Pulp Cthulhu" (junto a Reuben C. Dodd, Roman Entsov, Fifa Finsdottir et al.)2016Ilustrador
Cthulhus portrait2016Ilustrador
Cover for "Pulp Cthulhu"2016Ilustrador
Cover (to "Doors to Darkness")2016Ilustrador
Are we ready?2016Ilustrador
Spell Casting2014Ilustrador
Mi-Go at Copenhagen Town Square2014Ilustrador

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Victor Manuel Leza Moreno

España, Varón
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