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That is Not Dead: Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos Through the Centuries

The book collects fourteen short stories by various authors, with an introduction by the editor. All share the Cthulhu Mythos setting originated by H. P. Lovecraft, but unlike his stories, which generally take place in modern times, are set in previous historical eras. The effect is to take the Mythos from the realm of contemporary horror into that of historical fiction. The stories are presented in chronological order from the 2nd millennium BC to the late 19th century, with the last set in the present but looking back to medieval events.

0Introduction: Horror of the Carnivàle?Darrell Schweitzer
1Egypt, 1200 BC: Herald of ChaosKeith John Taylor
2Mesopotamia, second millennium BC: What a Girl NeedsEsther Friesner
3Judaea, second century AD: The Horn of the World’s EndingJohn Langan
4Central Asia, second century AD: Monsters in the Mountains at the Edge of the WorldJay Lake
5Palestine, Asia Minor, and Central Asia; late eleventh and mid twelfth centuries AD: Come, Follow MeDarrell Schweitzer
6England, 1605: OphiuchusDon Webb
7Russia, late seventeenth century: Of Queens and PawnsLois H. Gresh
8Mexico, 1753: Smoking MirrorWill Murray
9France, 1762: Incident at FerneyS.T. Joshi
10Arizona Territory, 1781: Anno Domini AzathothJohn R. Fultz
11Massachusetts, USA, early twentieth century. Italy, early nineteenth century: SlownessDon Webb
12Massachusetts, USA, and Spain, late nineteenth century: The Salamanca EncounterRichard A. Lupoff
13Seattle, Washington, USA, 1889: Old Time EntombedW.H. Pugmire
14England, twenty-first century and the Middle Ages: Nine Drowned ChurchesHarry Turtledove

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That is Not Dead: Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos Through the Centuries

Inglés, 240 págs.
Antología colectiva, Dedicado
PS Publishing, Feb 2015
ISBN: 9781848638570

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