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Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos Volume 2

Otras ediciones
Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos: Volume 2Ballantine Books1973
Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos Volume 2Beagle Boxer1971

0Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos Volume 2Bruce Pennington
1The Shambler from the StarsRobert Bloch8.50
2The Haunter of the DarkH. P. Lovecraft9.67
3The Shadow from the SteepleRobert Bloch7.50
4Notebook Found in a Deserted HouseRobert Bloch7.75
5Cold Print 1 opinionesRamsey Campbell6.33
6The Sister CityBrian Lumley7.00
7Cement surroundingsBrian Lumley7.00
8The Deep OnesJames Wade8.00
9Return of the Lloigor 2 opinionesColin Wilson7.25

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Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos Volume 2

Inglés, 238 págs.
Antología colectiva, Dedicado
Panther, 1975
ISBN: 9780586042168

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