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1920s Investigators' Companion Volume 2: Occupations and Skills

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Guía del investigador de los años 20 2 opiniones (Español)La Factoría de IdeasEne 20008.6728
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0On Becoming an InvestigatorKeith Herber, Kevin Ross
1Skills for the 1920sSandy Petersen, Lynn WillisKeith Herber
2The Professional InvestigatorKeith Herber, Gary O'Connell, Greg Rucka
31920s Forensic ArtsKeith Herber, Gary O'Connell

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1920s Investigators' Companion Volume 2: Occupations and Skills

Inglés, 62 págs.
Guía, La Llamada de Cthulhu
Chaosium (CHA2346), 1994
ISBN: 9781568820187

8.00, 4 dueños
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