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Curse of the Chthonians

Suplemento para Call of Cthulhu 2nd Edition (1983).

Otras ediciones
Curse of the Chthonians (2nd Edition) 3 opinionesChaosium20112
La maldición de los chthonians 3 opiniones (Español)Joc InternacionalNov 19897.6729

0Cover Painting (for "Curse of the Chthonians")Tom Sullivan
1Interior Illustrations (for "Curse of the Chthonians")Lisa A. Free
2Dark CarnivalDavid A. Hargrave7.00
3The Curse of Chaugnar FaugnBill Barton8.00
4Thoth's DaggerWilliam J. Hamblin6.67
5The City Without a NameWilliam J. Hamblin6.00
6The Kabbalistic Science of GematriaWilliam J. Hamblin

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Curse of the Chthonians

Inglés, 88 págs.
Escenarios, La Llamada de Cthulhu
Chaosium (CHA2306), 1984

Sin votos, 2 dueños
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