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Cthulhu Invictus

Este suplemento permite jugar a La Llamada de Cthulhu en los tiempos del Imperio Romano. Puedes leer las mejoras que incorpora, sobre el monográfico publicado 5 años antes, en este artículo.

Otras ediciones
The 7th Edition Guide to Cthulhu InvictusGolden Goblin PressOct 20182
Cthulhu Invictus - Cthulhu Roleplaying in Ancient RomeChaosium MonographAgo 20044

0Cover for "Cthulhu Invictus"Steven Gilberts
1Introduction (to "Cthulhu Invictus")Chad J. Bowser, Deane P. Goodwin, Andi NewtonThomas Boatwright
2Welcome to Rome, Capital of the Known WorldChad J. Bowser, Deane P. Goodwin, Andi NewtonThomas Boatwright, Stefano Marinetti
3A Short Tour Around Mare NostrumChad J. Bowser, Deane P. Goodwin, Andi NewtonThomas Boatwright, Stefano Marinetti
4Character CreationChad J. Bowser, Deane P. Goodwin, Andi NewtonThomas Boatwright
5Skills ("Cthulhu Invictus")Chad J. Bowser, Deane P. Goodwin, Andi NewtonThomas Boatwright
6Equipment and SuppliesChad J. Bowser, Deane P. Goodwin, Andi Newton
7Recovering SanityChad J. Bowser, Deane P. Goodwin, Andi Newton
8CombatChad J. Bowser, Deane P. Goodwin, Andi NewtonThomas Boatwright, Stefano Marinetti
9Roman Siege WeaponsChad J. Bowser, Deane P. Goodwin, Andi Newton
10The GrimoireChad J. Bowser, Deane P. Goodwin, Andi NewtonThomas Boatwright
11The BestiaryChad J. Bowser, Deane P. Goodwin, Andi NewtonMax Badger, Stefano Marinetti
12Cults and Secret SocietiesChad J. Bowser, Deane P. Goodwin, Andi NewtonThomas Boatwright
13The Roman LegionsChad J. Bowser, Deane P. Goodwin, Andi NewtonThomas Boatwright
14Prophylaxis Panacea EfqaChad J. Bowser, Andi Newton, Thomas Boatwright
15Scenario SeedsChad J. Bowser, Andi Newton
16Selected Reading ("Cthulhu Invictus")Chad J. Bowser, Andi Newton
17Cthulhu Invictus Investigator SheetStefano Marinetti
18Map of Rome
19Map of the Roman Empire (Foldout)Stefano Marinetti

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Cthulhu Invictus

Inglés, 168 págs.
Reglas, La Llamada de Cthulhu
Chaosium (CHA23115), 2009
ISBN: 9781568823058

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