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What is new at Chaosium (2012+)

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26-02-2012 20:06

8010 mensajes

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(Me interesa sobremanera la última frase)

Charlie essentially sat down and went through a fantastically wonderful and extensive list of upcoming products. Here are some of the notes I took. These are in very rough order of release.

New edition of Call Of Cthulhu.

Cthulhu By Gaslight 3rd edition with TONS of new material by Ross. BIG HELL YEAH!

Mythic Iceland.

Two fiction anthologies called Extreme Planets and A Long Way Home.

Atomic Age Cthulhu – 1950′s era fun.

House Of R’Lyeh adventure.

Shaan – A Call Of Cthulhu campaign setting.

Advanced Sorcery – A BRP magic book based on the system in Nephilim.

Undead And Unbound – A fiction anthology where every story has a twist. 19 stories! I may have to get this one.

Magicworld and Superworld being released again!

Secrets Of Tibet – The monograph is getting the full book treatment like Morocco.

Charlie then talked a lot about working with other developers and a particular company in France that has done some amazing work. It sounds like he is hoping he can make a deal with them that would let everyone partake of some Cthulhu goodness.

(Básicamente, si tengo que votar... que les dé carta blanca a Sans Détour y lo saquen ellos todo, ¿qué os parece?)

Entropía Bibliotecario
26-02-2012 22:21

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Supongo que se referirá a repetir la experiencia de la pantalla, y sacar las cosas con el mismo aspecto que los manuales de SD. Igual lo aplican a la 7ª.

De todos modos yo creo que este hombre se inventa las cosas según habla. No le des demasiada importancia.



27-02-2012 06:27

1976 mensajes
↕ 8 horas ↕
Tal como dijo Entropía:

De todos modos yo creo que este hombre se inventa las cosas según habla. No le des demasiada importancia.



No veo novedades excepto de cosas que no me interesan, como el libro de Nephilim. Que creen que sean Shaan?

Neddam Bibliotecario
27-02-2012 07:25

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Tal como dijo Esculapio0:

New edition of Call Of Cthulhu.

¿Entonces va a haber séptima?

27-02-2012 10:30

8010 mensajes
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Lo de la Séptima ya era vox populi AFAIR...


Dexter Willoughby
27-02-2012 10:35

585 mensajes
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Neddam Bibliotecario
27-02-2012 10:42

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Ufffff... pues pasaron 32 años entre la sexta y la séptima...

Entropía Bibliotecario
01-03-2012 20:52

16683 mensajes
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↕ 3 días ↕

Chaosium ha twiteado hoy: Mind blowing: Chaosium has over 50 titles in the works .



01-03-2012 21:01

8010 mensajes
↕ 9 minutos ↕

Hombre, si cuentas Pulp Cthulhu...

Sebastian Kochanski
02-03-2012 07:39

187 mensajes
↕ 10 horas ↕

Semana del Guardián de los Arcanos en


Básicamente desde hoy hasta el 7 de marzo ofrecen una reducción del 25% en el precio de los siguientes libros en descarga: Cthulhu by Gaslight, The Gaslight Equipment Catalogue, Dark Designs, Agents of the Crown, and Queensguard. Por ejemplo, Cthulhu by Gaslight pasa temporalmente de valer $20.95 a $15.71.


From now until March 7th is our industry's celebration of the vital role that the gamemaster plays in every roleplaying game. Various companies are celebrating this time in various ways.

Since we just sent Cthulhu by Gaslight to the printer, we here at Chaosium thought we would use that as a theme. So, until March 7th, you can save 25% on the following downloadable books: Cthulhu by Gaslight, The Gaslight Equipment Catalogue, Dark Designs, Agents of the Crown, and Queensguard. The discount is already applied on our site, just add them to your cart.


We are extremely happy to announce that Cthulhu by Gaslight, a legendary Chaosium title, is now at the printer. A couple of days ago, Charlie posted the pdf of Cthulhu by Gaslight (along with separate files for the new Gaslight character sheet and the transit map of London). Some of you have already found it. We though that we would introduce many of you to this wonderful book and era.

Cthulhu by Gaslight should be back from the printer in a few weeks.

Convention Treasures

A bit more than a week ago, Meghan, Charlie, and Nick were at a local convention. We picked-up a couple of items for the site, which you can find here.


After a year of intensive development, the small indie team of Red Wasp Design have announced that their anticipated title, Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land has launched on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. The game is a turn-based strategy RPG inspired by the works of cult horror writer H.P. Lovecraft and developed in co-operation with Chaosium,

Dissecting Cthulhu collects many of the seminal essays on the Cthulhu Mythos

As we embrace our favorite occasions, let us not forget that beyond the light is a darkness, and in that darkness something stirs—some nameless thing that brings us Horror for the Holidays!

Thanks for stopping by!

The Folks at Chaosium

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What is new at Chaosium (2012+)

Chaosium ●●●

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