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The Dance in the BloodPelgrane PressSep 20101
The Black DropPelgrane PressJul 20103
Castle BravoPelgrane PressFeb 20102
The Watchers in the SkyPelgrane PressFeb 20102
The Armitage Files 19 opinionesPelgrane PressFeb 20106
Rough MagicksPelgrane PressNov 20096.006
Arkham Detective TalesPelgrane PressSep 20095
Shadows Over FilmlandPelgrane PressMay 20095
The Dying of St. Margaret'sPelgrane PressAbr 20094.003
Trail of Cthulhu Keeper's Screen & Resource BookPelgrane PressDic 20088
Stunning Eldritch TalesPelgrane PressSep 20083
Trail of Cthulhu 65 opinionesPelgrane PressAbr 20086
The Murderer of Thomas FellPelgrane Press20082