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KAZERIA began its activities on 2008. Its name is a distorted way to write the word "hunting" in Spanish, and it's used as a sign of counter-culture. Hunting is one of the most dramatic and intense experiences in life: an act of survival, and also a spiritual quest.

In ancient cultures, hunters are involved with arts and they celebrate rites about hunting. On the same sense KAZERIA incarnates intense and complex aesthetic full of epic visions, esoteric subjects and the occult, through sounds of rise, glory and decadence of past and brighter ages.

Before The Altar of Dagon (The Shadow Over Innsmouth)2010Compositor
The Chronicles of The Great Race (The Shadow out of Time)2010Compositor
Dark Peaks (Lat. 76º 15', Long. 113º 10' E) (At the Mountains of Madness)2010Compositor
A Three-lobbed Burning Eye (The Haunter of the Dark)2010Compositor

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Argentina, Indefinido
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Hoy a las 10:05: Mensaje de Whagan en Ofertas y descuentos cthuloideos (foro de Mitos de Cthulhu)

Ayer a las 22:02: Mensaje de Entropía en Barbarie y primigenios. La correspondencia entre H.P. Lovecraft y Robert E. Howard (Tomo 3) (sección de Biblioteca)

Ayer a las 20:47: Mensaje de Rosenmaurer en La llamada de Cthulhu LCG Caja Básica (sección de Biblioteca)

Ayer a las 18:44: Mensaje de Entropía en Shadowlands: Editorial con línea lovecraftiana (foro de Mitos de Cthulhu)

31-05-2024 22:18: Mensaje de Entropía en Jornadas online Runas Net 2024: 31 de mayo al 2 de junio (foro de Mitos de Cthulhu)