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Shadows Over FilmlandPelgrane PressMay 20095
Spirits and Dreams of the Viking AgeChaosium Monograph20103
Strange Aeons IIChaosium20104
Stealing Cthulhu 18 opinionesAutoedición20117
The Sevenfold PathChaosium Monograph20112
Secrets of Tibet - An Unknown Land of Mythos and MysteryChaosium20133
The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man 10 opinionesArc Dream PublishingJul 20134.006
Soldiers of Pen and Ink 14 opinionesPelgrane PressDic 20143
Sandy Petersen's Field Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors 41 opinionesChaosium20159.006
The Star ChamberArc Dream Publishing20166
The Star on the Shore - Struggles Against Evil in 1920s New EnglandDark Cult GamesAgo 20175
Sun Spots 11 opinionesWeird 8Nov 20174
Sandy Petersen's Cthulhu MythosPetersen Games20183
SweetnessArc Dream PublishingMar 20183
Scritch ScratchChaosiumJun 20184
The Solo Investigator's HandbookMiskatonic RepositoryFeb 20192
The Shadow Over Providence 4 opinionesChaosiumJul 20197
STATIC Protocol. Research and Revelations for Delta Green: Impossible LandscapesArc Dream PublishingFeb 20213