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The Solo Investigator's Handbook


The Solo Investigator's Handbook - Chaposium | Miskatonic Repository |

0Introduction (to The Solo Investigator's Handbook)Paul Bimler
1Generate a ScenarioPaul Bimler
2JournallingPaul Bimler
3NPCsPaul Bimler
4Mythos CreaturesPaul Bimler
5The Verbs TablePaul Bimler
6Clues TablePaul Bimler
7Spooky TablePaul Bimler
8Rumours TablePaul Bimler
9Random Event TablePaul Bimler
10Location TablesPaul Bimler
11Example SessionsPaul Bimler

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The Solo Investigator's Handbook

Inglés, 96 págs.
Ayuda de juego, La Llamada de Cthulhu
Miskatonic Repository, Feb 2019

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The Solo Investigator's Handbook 96 Miskatonic Repository
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