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Alienación (2011)

Luis GámezTraductor

Alienation (1931, inglés)

H. P. Lovecraft 108 opinionesEscritor

XXXII. Alienation

For each dawn found him in his usual place,

But every night his spirit loved to race

Through gulfs and worlds remote from common day.

He had seen Yaddith, yet retained his mind,

And come back safely from the Ghooric zone,

When one still night across curved space was thrown

That beckoning piping from the voids behind.

And nothing since has looked the same to him.

Objects around float nebulous and dim—

False, phantom trifles of some vaster plan.

His folk and friends are now an alien throng

To which he struggles vainly to belong.

Hongos de Yuggoth 2 opinionesCangrejo Pistolero EdicionesSep 2011

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Español, 2011

Inglés, 1931
Poesía, Mitos

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