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The Gibbering Horror of Howard Ghormley (2005)

Steve DanielsDirector

Sinopsis: Una escena recurrente en la que un hombre pasea en bicicleta, encuentra una llave, llega a una casa, trata de abrir la puerta, alguien (o algo) desde dentro desliza un trozo de papel por debajo de la puerta, lee la nota y se marcha. Hasta que una de esas veces, el hombre encuentra la puerta de la casa entreabierta...

Cortometraje de terror lovecraftiano basado en un sueño recurrente del propio director de la película, Steve Daniels.

"I have been making Super 8mm films since 2000, and I really love the look and feel of the format. I am very thankful that Kodak continues to manufacture and support the film. Super 8, especially when shot at 18 frames per second as Ghormley was, tends to illicit a strong nostalgic vibe with viewers because of it's use in old home movies. I have always associated things, scary things, to be scarier if they occurred in the past. Although I did not specify a time frame in the film, I imagined Ghormley taking place in the 1930's or 40's, so shooting the film in the grainy black and white Super 8 heightened that aged effect.

Because Ghormley was based on a disturbing, recurring dream I had, I wanted the audio from the film to reflect that surreal, dream-limbo quality. The film is "heard" through Ghormley's head. It's meta-diegetic sound. Real world sounds are selectively heard, unnaturally amplified or distorted to a very unnatural effect. The music/sound design, masterfully done by Chris Bickel, is both non-diegetic and meta-diegetic, as one could argue, as it both comments and compliments the action on screen, and reflects poor Ghormley's agitated mental state as the story progresses." —STEVE DANIELS.

The Gibbering Horror of Howard Ghormley - Vimeo

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The Gibbering Horror of Howard Ghormley

Inglés, 2005
Corto, Afín

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