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The Shadow from the Steeple (2016)

Pete Von Sholly 2 opinionesIlustrador

"An incarnation of Nyarlathotep overlooks an imagines destruction of humanity from atomic war", ilustración basada en el relato The Shadow from the Steeple (1950, Literatura) publicada originalmente en Lovecraft Illustrated Volume 11 - The Haunter of the Dark (2016).

Pete Von Sholly's Lovecraft Illustrated 12 opinionesClover PressOct 2020
Lovecraft Illustrated Volume 11 - The Haunter of the DarkPS PublishingOct 2016

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The Shadow from the Steeple

Inglés, 2016
Ilustración, Mitos

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obra: The Haunter of the Dark (1935)
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