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The Strange High House in the Mist (2017)

Pete Von Sholly 2 opinionesIlustrador

"A house atop a precipice overlooking the Atlantic, accesible only on one side", "The protagonist creeps carefully around the low cottage to see that the only door is reachable solely through the air!" (imagen), "Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss", tres ilustraciones basadas en el relato The Strange High House in the Mist (1926, Literatura), publicadas originalmente en Lovecraft Illustrated Volume 16 - The Other Gods and Various Ethereal Effusions (2017).

Pete Von Sholly's Lovecraft Illustrated 12 opinionesClover PressOct 2020
Lovecraft Illustrated Volume 16 - The Other Gods and Various Ethereal EffusionsPS PublishingSep 2017

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The Strange High House in the Mist

Inglés, 2017
Ilustración, Onírico

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obra: The Strange High House in the Mist (1926) ●●
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