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At the Mountains of Madness (2015)

Pete Von Sholly 2 opinionesIlustrador
'First view of the remains of the long dead city of the Old One'

"Early discovers made by the Miskatonic Expedition", "A cavern filled with bones", "Flying over smaller mountains en route to discover what lies beyond" (imagen obra), "A vision of the vanished city as shimmering ice crystals refracting light", "First view of the remains of the long dead city of the Old One" (imagen wiki), "A living Old One", "Finding a headless slime covered Old One", "An undersea city with swimming shoggoths", "Gedney and the dog", "Glyph history", "A shoggoth chasing the men through the labyrinth of the dead city", "Danforth go mad", "Fleeing the city", "Danforth having visions in his madness".

Ilustraciones basadas en la novela At the Mountains of Madness (1931, Literatura) publicadas originalmente en Lovecraft Illustrated Volume 6 - At the Mountains of Madness (2015).

Pete Von Sholly's Lovecraft Illustrated 12 opinionesClover PressOct 2020
Lovecraft Illustrated Volume 6 - At the Mountains of MadnessPS PublishingFeb 2015

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At the Mountains of Madness

Inglés, 2015
Ilustración, Mitos


obra: At the Mountains of Madness (1931) ●●
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