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The Shadow Over Innsmouth (2015)

Pete Von Sholly 2 opinionesIlustrador
'Hybrid horde'

"An old Innsmouth ceremonial tiara", "Joe Sargent", "The town of Innsmouth", "A glimpse of a tiara-wearing priest, see through a doorway as the bus passes", "Zadock Allen tells the narrator some forbidden Innsmouth history", "Obed Marsh trading with the Deep Ones", "A human/Deeop One hybrid baby learns to swim and use gills", "Zadock Allen enjoys freaking out the narrator!", "Deep Ones", "Pursued by the Innsmouth townsfolk" (imagen obra), "Hybrid horde"(imagen wiki), "A submarine torpedoes the Deep One's city", "The narrator of The Shadow Over Innsmouth".

Ilustraciones basadas en el relato The Shadow Over Innsmouth (1992, Rol) publicadas originalemnte en Lovecraft Illustrated Volume 5 - The Shadow Over Innsmouth (2015).

Pete Von Sholly's Lovecraft Illustrated 12 opinionesClover PressOct 2020
Lovecraft Illustrated Volume 5 - The Shadow Over Innsmouth 1 opinionesPS PublishingFeb 2015

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The Shadow Over Innsmouth

Inglés, 2015
Ilustración, Mitos


obra: The Shadow over Innsmouth (1931) ●●
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