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El Innombrable (2000)

Domingo Santos 5 opinionesTraductor

The Unspeakable (1965, inglés)

Lin Carter 14 opinionesEscritor

Soneto número XXI del ciclo Dreams from R'lyeh. Publicado originalmente en el número de marzo de 1965 del fanzine Amra.


I drank the golden mead and did those things

Of which I read within the ancient book.

The wind awoke. The elms and willows shook

Before the thunder of fantastic wings.

Down from the cosmic gulfs the monster fell,

The grim, stupendous, bat-winged Byakhee,

Come from the cloudy shores of Lake Hali,

Black-furred and iron-beaked, with eyes of Hell.

When I bestrode its back, the beast unfurled

Its vast and mighty wings. Across dark seas

Of space we flew. Amid the Hyades

We reached at last that bleak and mythic world

To men forbidden and by gods abhorred,

Carcosa, where the great Hastur is Lord.

La Saga de Hastur 1 opinionesLa Factoría de IdeasNov 2000

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El Innombrable
Español, 2000

The Unspeakable
Inglés, 1965
Poesía, Mitos

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