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From Beyond (2016)

Gábor ErdélyiDirector

Mediometraje basado en el relato From Beyond (1920) de H.P. Lovecraft.

—¿Qué sabemos nosotros —había dicho— del mundo y del universo que nos rodea? Nuestros medios para captar información resultan absurdamente escasos, y nuestra noción de los objetos que nos circundan infinitamente estrecha. Sólo vemos las cosas de acuerdo a los órganos con que las percibimos, y nos resulta imposible formarnos una idea de su naturaleza absoluta. Pretendemos abarcar el cosmos complejo e infinito por medio de cinco débiles sentidos, cuando otras existencias dotadas de una serie de sentidos más amplios, poderosos o diferentes, no sólo podrían ver cosas totalmente distintas de las que nosotros percibimos, sino que también serían capaces de estudiar y descubrir mundos enteros llenos de materia, energía y vida que se hallan en contacto con nosotros, aunque resultan inaccesibles a los sentidos de los que actualmente disponemos. Siempre he creído que esos mundos extraños e inalcanzables se encuentran muy cerca de nosotros, y ahora estoy seguro de haber encontrado un medio para traspasar la barrera.

From Beyond - IMDb

Howard Phillips Lovecraft has become the most known and most important character of the horror and weird literature, though his oeuvre achieved only posthumous honour. Today, several authors, directors and poets take inspiration from his writings, referring to him, as an unworthily undervalued author of the 20th century. We can often meet parts of his short stories, characters and the wonderful, hardly definable places he was in his dreams. These dreams and the bad aspects of his life helped him to create his well-known works, which could not make him either popular or rich. His colleagues thought he was "weird", and he had a continuous battle with his publishers to have his writings release in their original version, not in the format that would meet the requirements of the age, which he neglected.

The most popular writings of Lovecraft are the ones, from which August Derleth created the Cthulhu myth, thinking his master's work further, but not always taking care of its essence. We decided to make a film out of one of our favourite from the early years of Lovecraft, the short story From Beyond, which was written in 1920, but released only in 1934 in The Fantasy Fan magazine.

We had to think of the possibilities not only as fans but producers. We tried to choose the one that includes the essence mentioned above, that could be completed without any special effects, but good pictures, good actors and impressive music, though it has the possibility for us to present our talent on the level of visual fantasy.

The main characters of the From Beyond are Crawford Tillinghast and his friend, who tells the story in the first person, what horrible changes prof. Tillinghast suffered. The prof. builds an eclectic machine, with the help of which he makes our feeble or primitive senses work, enabling us to look into the deepness of Creation, ignoring time, space and dimensions. He madly builds his machinery, isolating himself from the world outside, keeping in touch with no-one, even his servants leave him. His friend feels he must help him.

"We see things only as we are constructed to see them, and can gain no idea of their absolute nature. With five feeble senses we pretend to comprehend the boundlessly complex cosmos, yet other beings with a wider, stronger, or different range of senses might not only see very differently the things we see, but might see and study whole worlds of matter, energy, and life which lie close at hand yet can never be detected with the senses we have." – Crawford Tillinghast

Thanks to Lovecraft's persistence and pertinacity we can now enjoy his masterpieces, and from the ages when the literature of weird and horror was abased in every possible way we, fans, still have an oeuvre to read and experience the incomprehensible dread, which we have been looking for so long with more and more eagerness.

H.P. Lovecraft's From Beyond on Vimeo

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Gorgo Héroe Bibliotecario
11-05-2017 23:46

3774 mensajes

Ixtlan Artworks ha subido esta película a su canal de Vimeo cuatro meses después de su estreno en el H P Lovecraft Film Festival de Providence. Se agradece.

H.P. Lovecraft’s From Beyond - F R E E ! X-mas gift for Lovecraft’s worldwide fans

Gorgo Héroe Bibliotecario
14-05-2017 22:34 (editado 14-05-2017 22:41)

3774 mensajes
↕ 2 días ↕

Vista. Una adaptación excesivamente larga (me he quedado dormido a la mitad). El arranque es tedioso. Lo mejor, sin duda, está en los últimos diez minutos: cuando Tillinghast muestra su terrible máquina al doble húngaro de Pablo Iglesias. Se nota que hay mucho trabajo detrás de esta cinta. ¡Qué facil es criticar! ¿verdad? La recomiendo a los fans muy fans.

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From Beyond

Húngaro, 2016
Película, Relacionado


obra: From Beyond (1920) ●●

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