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Chunk (1993)

The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets 2 opinionesCompositor

Chunk (2:47)

In the city where the people dwell / Winds from out at sea sweep in a horrid smell / It’s been a million years since they have smelled it last / They cannot realize the danger creeping fast / Chunk! / In asylums restless patients scream / Visions of Cthulhu every night they dream / They see the signs of chaos / beyond the wall of sleep / Their minds contain a knowledge that our own refuse to keep / In the mountains where the Mi-go mine / People disappear from time to time / If I told you why you might go insane / But it has something to do with cannisters for your brain / At the center of the universe / Writhes a loathesome god-thing that couldn’t be much worse / Larvae pipe and dance about the bubbling froth / Orbiting the Outer God that is Azathoth

The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets - Great Old OnesDivine Industries Inc.1997

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Inglés, 1993
Rock, Mitos

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