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Robert Albert Bloch

House of the Hatchet19414.00Escritor
The Hound of Pedro?1938Escritor
The Grab Bag (junto a Henry Kuttner)1991Escritor
A Good Imagination1956Escritor
Girl from Mars1950Escritor
The Fiddler's Fee19406.00Escritor
The Feast in the Abbey1935Escritor
The Dream Makers1953Escritor
The Creative Urge1991Escritor
The Cloak1939Escritor
Black Bargain19427.00Escritor
The Bedspots of Life1991Escritor
Beauty's Beast1941Escritor
The Beasts of Barsac1944Escritor
The Bat is My Brother?1944Escritor
The Eyes of the Mummy19385.00Escritor
The Opener of the Way19365.00Escritor
The Unspeakable Betrothal1949Escritor
Terror in Cut-Throat Cove1958Escritor
The Suicide in the Study1935Escritor
The Sorcerer's Jewel1939Escritor
The Shadow from the Steeple19507.50Escritor
The Secret of Sebek19375.00Escritor
The Secret in the Tomb1935Escritor
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Robert Bloch

EE.UU., Varón
05 Abr 1917 — 23 Sep 1994

Obras en 55 volúmenes
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