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obra: At the Mountains of Madness (1931)

Obras basadas en la novela At the Mountains of Madness (1931, Literatura) recogidas en la Biblioteca de

Obras asociadas
Mountains of Madness2005Danielle de Picciotto, Alex Hackes, The Tiger LilliesMedia
Chapter 10: The City of the Elder Things1999Mike Blum, Charles Engan, Janice Engan, Mike LayAlta
Chapter 9: Balance of Power1999Charles Engan, Janice EnganAlta
Chapter 8: At the Mountains1999Phil Anderson, Marion Anderson, Charles Engan, Janice EnganAlta
At the Mountains of Madness1984Tim WhiteBaja
At the Mountains of Madness1979Harry O. MorrisMedia
At the Mountains of Madness1973Ian Miller9.00Media
At the Mountains of Madness1973Mike GarcíaMedia
At the Mountains of Madness and Other Novels (jacket cover art)1964Lee Brown CoyeBaja
Where ranks shot up like a wall reaching the sky at the world’s rim1936Howard V. BrownAlta
The toughness of the things was almost incredible. Even terrorific pressures were powerless to harm them!1936Howard V. BrownAlta
The effect of the monstrous sight was indescribable! Some fiendish violation of the natural law!1936Howard V. BrownAlta
It was, very clearly, the blasphemous city of the mirage, in stark objective reality!1936Howard V. BrownAlta
I've got to dissect one of these things before...1936Howard V. BrownAlta
First the world's greatest mountains, then this!1936Howard V. BrownAlta
At the Mountains of Madness (cover art)1936Howard V. Brown8.00Alta
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