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H.P. Lovecraft- The Statement of Randolph Carter

A comic book adaptation of one of Lovecraft's early stories. Harley Warren is an expert on violent criminals and assists the FBI in their profiling and pursuit of criminals who tend to be on the bizarre side. Warren believes in exploring the darker side of man, especially those who seek to live in the shadows of normalcy. When Warren reads The Necronomicon that can reveal the darkest and oldest mysteries of the stygian unknown, Warren wastes no time packing up his reluctant chronicler and assistant, Randolph Carter, to explore the site. In addition to the comic adaptation of the story, the original H.P. Lovecraft story is also included in this volume.

Publicado originalmente como Worlds of H. P. Lovecraft: The Statement of Randolph Carter (Tome Press, 1996). Adaptación del relato The Statement of Randolph Carter del escritor Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Esta edición incluye el relato original.

0The Statement of Randolph CarterChristopher Jones​, Stephen Philip Jones
1The Statement of Randolph Carter 5 opinionesH. P. Lovecraft6.67

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H.P. Lovecraft- The Statement of Randolph Carter

Inglés, 48 págs.
Cómic, Dedicado
Caliber Comics, 2016
ISBN: 9781942351603

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H.P. Lovecraft- The Statement of Randolph Carter 48 Caliber Comics 9781942351603
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