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H.P. Lovecraft - Beyond the Wall of Sleep

Denys Barry is convinced that telepathy is possible and his clinical research support his hypothesis. But Barry’s research is jeopardized after he suffers violent seizure during on experiment during which he sputters “cosmic” nonsense. Soon after Barry discovers that a criminal patient named Joe Slaader was admitted into Oakdale at the same as Barry’s outburst. Barry is convinced his mind somehow tapped into Slaader’s delusion.

Otras ediciones
Lovecraft in Full Color #2Adventure ComicsMar 1992

0Beyond the Wall of SleepOctavio Cariello, Stephen Philip Jones
1Beyond the Wall of Sleep 2 opinionesH. P. Lovecraft6.00

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H.P. Lovecraft - Beyond the Wall of Sleep

Inglés, 50 págs.
Cómic, Tangencial
Caliber Comics, 2016
ISBN: 9781942351559

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H.P. Lovecraft - Beyond the Wall of Sleep 50 Caliber Comics 9781942351559
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