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Convicts & Cthulhu - Ticket of Leave #04 - The Vanishing Ensign

Un suplemento para Convicts & Cthulhu (2016).

At its core this release is inspired by a particular historical detail, Governor Bligh’s enormous military muster of 1807. In the early days of the Australian colonies military resources were pretty dire — there were never enough troops to keep the peace for such a huge population of convicts, and the NSW Corps were given the crappiest of equipment and ordnance (and yet somehow expected to be the front line of defence if other European nations, such as France, decided to invade the colony). Every Governor had complained about this dangerous situation, but it took the irascibility of Bligh to ramp it up a notch. In order to prove to the Colonial Office back in London exactly how terrible the military situation in NSW truly was, he commissioned a team to travel throughout the colony and tabulate a full muster of all troops and ordnance, documenting all the stuff that didn’t work. In the end this grand plan of Bligh’s led to nothing … but it provides an excellent concept for a Convicts & Cthulhu campaign.

0Introduction (to "Convicts & Cthulhu - Ticket of Leave #04 - The Vanishing Ensign")Dean Engelhardt, Geoff Gillan
1Historical Context: Bligh’s Muster of 1807Dean Engelhardt, Geoff Gillan
2The Grand Muster Campaign FrameDean Engelhardt, Geoff Gillan
3Scenario Outline: The Vanishing EnsignDean Engelhardt, Geoff Gillan

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Convicts & Cthulhu - Ticket of Leave #04 - The Vanishing Ensign

Inglés, 14 págs.
Escenarios, La Llamada de Cthulhu
Cthulhu Reborn (Ticket of Leave #04), Mar 2017

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Convicts & Cthulhu - Ticket of Leave #04 - The Vanishing Ensign 14 Cthulhu Reborn
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