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Convicts & Cthulhu - Ticket of Leave #06 - Night of the Convict Dead

Un suplemento para Convicts & Cthulhu (2016).

Ticket of Leave #6 — released (more-or-less) on the first anniversary of the publication of the core Convicts & Cthulhu setting — is a chunky 15-page PDF which explores burial customs and locations in the early colonies. But, far more excitingly, it also includes a creepy mini-scenario by Geoff Gillan, which explores the dark and nasty consequences of cadavers being just a little to easy to obtain for experimentation. The scenario also includes wonderful new art (pictured above) by the fantastic Reuben Dodd, a long-time friend of Cthulhu Reborn.

"Ticket of Leave nº6: Night of the Convict Dead se centra, como su nombre bien indica, en la muerte en la colonia británica. Además de los diversos cementerios del lugar (que incluyen los cementerios nativos), se incluye una breve descripción de las costumbres y rituales de la época en lo relativo a los entierros, así como un módulo que sirve para explorar el lado más cthuloideo de la muerte."

0Introduction (to "Convicts & Cthulhu - Ticket of Leave #06 - Night of the Convict Dead")Dean Engelhardt, Geoff Gillan
1Burials at Sydney TownDean Engelhardt, Geoff Gillan
2Burial Customs and RitualsDean Engelhardt, Geoff Gillan
3Night of the Convict DeadGeoff Gillan

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Convicts & Cthulhu - Ticket of Leave #06 - Night of the Convict Dead

Inglés, 15 págs.
Escenarios, La Llamada de Cthulhu
Cthulhu Reborn (Ticket of Leave #06), May 2017

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Convicts & Cthulhu - Ticket of Leave #06 - Night of the Convict Dead 15 Cthulhu Reborn
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