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Strange Songs - A Quintet of Adventures For Call of Cthulhu

Monográfico MULA (Miskatonic University Library Association).

Todos los escenarios de este extraño suplemento giran en torno a la música y están ambientados en la época actual.

There's something here for just about everyone. Inner City Hip Hop. Shamanic Drumming. R'lyeh Rock & Roll. Gospel. Classical Cultist. Play them as one shots. Play them as stand alone adventures in your on going campaign. However you play them, play them loud!

0Cover for "Strange Songs"Bryan Reagan
1Two Turntables And A MicrophoneCabal 13
2Daddy’s Little Girl: The Uncle Peter RemixCabal 13
3The Drum CircleCabal 13
4Opening Act: The April Mix 2 opinionesCabal 13
5Prepare Ye The Way (aka Make Ye A Path)Cabal 13

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Strange Songs - A Quintet of Adventures For Call of Cthulhu

Inglés, 114 págs.
Escenarios, La Llamada de Cthulhu
Chaosium Monograph (CHA#0315), May 2005
ISBN: 9781568822815

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Strange Songs - A Quintet of Adventures For Call of Cthulhu 114 Chaosium Monograph 9781568822815
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