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Fungus From Yuggoth Aurora Horrora Fantasy Box (2004)

Pete Von Sholly 2 opinionesIlustrador

Now is your chance to own this exceptionally rare Aurora Model Kit Box Art. It’s so rare that it never even exsisted! Great for Collecting and Display. Re-live the glory days of your youth.

This is a full size 13 X 5 X 2 Aurora/Horrora Fantasy Box by artist Pete Von Sholly. The image is created to appear as though Aurora had made all the kits that we as kids of the 1960's and 70's could have ever imagined.

H.P. Lovecraft Fungus From Yuggoth Aurora Horrora Fantasy Box

Pete Von Sholly's Lovecraft Illustrated 12 opinionesClover PressOct 2020

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Fungus From Yuggoth Aurora Horrora Fantasy Box

Inglés, 2004
Ilustración, Mitos

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