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Listado de escenarios de rol cuya trama tiene lugar en Londres (también se incluye todo lo que quede cerca de Londres).

Guías de referencia:

Obras asociadas
Crouch End19806.50Inicial
The Vanishing Conjurer1983Inicial
Chapter Two: London1984Inicial
Secrets of the Kremlin1984Inicial
Draw the Blinds on Yesterday1985Intermedia
El regreso de Fu-Manchú1988Inicial
Génesis negro1990Inicial
Dancers in an Evening Fog1991Inicial
The Doom Train1991Inicial
Eyes for the Blind1991Intermedia
The Fog Lifts1991Inicial
Lord of the Dance1991Inicial
Menace from Sumatra1991Inicial
The Eyes of a Stranger1993Inicial
Plant Y Daear1993Inicial
Signs Writ in Scarlet1993Inicial
A Time for Decisions1994Intermedia
The King of Shreds and Patches1995Inicial
Vile Bodies1996Inicial
Sombras y niebla1997Inicial
Legacies of the Renaissance2005Inicial
Prologue: Opening Night2006Inicial
Chapter 3: Springer Mound & The Canal2006Intermedia
Chapter 6: Talk of Goatswood2006Inicial
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