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Michael Fredholm von Essen

Appendix: Commercial Airline Operations in the 1920s2009Escritor
Belgian Congo2009Escritor
The Cannibals Attack2009Escritor
Devapura and M’Bolo Bakula, the Flying Eater2009Escritor
Flying across the Atlantic2009Escritor
Further Adventures in the Congo2009Escritor
Handouts (to "Secrets of the Congo")2009Escritor
In the Clutches of Mami Wata (junto a Patrik Carlsson)2009Escritor
Introduction (to "Secrets of the Congo")2009Escritor
Keeper’s Notes2009Escritor
The Nightmare at Vivi Station2009Escritor
The Outpost of Progress2009Escritor
Rise of M’Bakadala, He Who Swims and Eats without Mouth2009Escritor
The Rival Congo Expeditions2009Escritor
Statistics (Optional Characters)2009Escritor

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