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Convicts & Cthulhu - Ticket of Leave #07 - Seams of Peril

Un suplemento para Convicts & Cthulhu (2016).

This lavishly-illustrated 14 page PDF includes information about the historical hoax, and the types of perils that might face a group sent to verify the claims of a spurious gold-mine in remote areas of the Blue Mountains. It also includes three different Mythos threats that could explain the weirdness that accompanies the convict’s claim. Each of these provides a different type of adversary, and a different flavour of Lovecraftian supernatural horror; allowing the Keeper to pick the type of peril that best suits his or her tastes (or those of the gaming group). We hope that Keepers will enjoy sending their Investigators off on wild (golden) goose chases out into perilous, unexplored parts of the colony — to be cruelly devoured, seduced, or just stabbed in the eye by a lying convict. What could be more fun?

0Scenario Seed: Seams of PerilDean Engelhardt, Geoff Gillan

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Convicts & Cthulhu - Ticket of Leave #07 - Seams of Peril

Inglés, 14 págs.
Escenarios, La Llamada de Cthulhu
Cthulhu Reborn (Ticket of Leave #07), Sep 2017

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Convicts & Cthulhu - Ticket of Leave #07 - Seams of Peril 14 Cthulhu Reborn
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