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Adventures in Arkham Country 12 opinionesChaosiumMar 19937.005
A Time to Harvest. Death and Discovery in the Vermont HillsChaosiumSep 20212
The 1990's HandbookChaosium19953
1920s Keeper's KitChaosium19891
1920s Investigators' Companion Volume 2: Occupations and SkillsChaosium19948.004
1920s Investigators' Companion Volume 1: Equipment and ResourcesChaosiumAgo 19937.005
1920s Investigator's CompanionChaosium19973
1920s Investigator's CompanionChaosium2003
Bayt Al Azyf #4: A magazine for Cthulhu Mythos roleplaying games 1 opinionesBayt al AzifMar 20222
Bayt al Azif #3: A magazine for Cthulhu Mythos roleplaying games 7 opinionesBayt al AzifNov 20203
Bayt al Azif #2: A magazine for Cthulhu Mythos roleplaying games 14 opinionesBayt al AzifAgo 20192
Bayt al Azif #1: A magazine for Cthulhu Mythos roleplaying games 1 opinionesBayt al AzifOct 20183
Madness at MiskatonicAutoediciónDic 20118.003
Dockside DogsAutoedición20122
The Unspeakable Oath #22Arc Dream PublishingEne 20133
The Unspeakable Oath #21Arc Dream PublishingJul 20123
The Unspeakable Oath #20Arc Dream PublishingJun 20113
The Unspeakable Oath #19Arc Dream PublishingMar 20114
The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man 10 opinionesArc Dream PublishingJul 20134.006