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Dissociation (2023)

Clayton OrglesDirector

Sinopsis: Una genealogista profundiza en la historia de una familia que desapareció hace más de un siglo. Su búsqueda de respuestas la lleva a una situación peligrosa donde se ve obligada a confrontar el lado oscuro de su propia psique y las terribles consecuencias de sus acciones.

Cortometraje de terror psicológico basado en el relato The Picture in the House (1920) de H.P. Lovecraft.

Una tarde de noviembre de 1896, mientras paseaba por la zona, se desató un aguacero tan furioso que me vi obligado a buscar refugio en una de estas casas semiderruidas por el tiempo. En verdad, hacía ya algún tiempo que recorría la región aledaña al valle de Miskatonic en procura de cierta información genealógica y en virtud de la geografía del lugar y de la propia índole de mis movimientos, pese a la época del año, había decidido servirme de una bicicleta. De este modo, la tarde en cuestión me había encontrado en un camino de aspecto abandonado, por el que me había aventurado creyéndolo el atajo más conveniente para ir hasta Arkham.

Press Kit - Director’s Statement

"As the director of "Dissociation," my passion for bringing HP Lovecraft's "The Picture in the House" to life on the screen was driven by my love for psychological horror stories. The eerie atmosphere and hidden horror of the story captivated me, but I also knew that to effectively adapt it for the screen, changes needed to be made in terms of character development and the exploration of deeper themes.

To achieve this, I aimed to explore a new theme specific to the film. Starting with the question of why the Genealogist would be in the middle of nowhere during a thunderstorm, I settled on the theme of personal responsibility and how it shapes our own lives. This theme is exemplified through the Genealogist's own actions, such as her procrastination in completing her research assignment and her lack of foresight, dressed in inappropriate clothing for the weather conditions.

Furthermore, I aimed to add depth and complexity to the villainous Old Man, portrayed by the Late James Hagan, by delving into his backstory and motivations. Through this, I aimed to create empathy for the character and encourage viewers to understand that even those who may appear evil can have valid reasons for their behaviour.

Overall, my goal was to adapt Lovecraft's story and create a film that not only entertains and thrills audiences but also makes them think about the deeper themes and ideas presented. With these changes, I believe "Dissociation" is a film that is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally impactful."

Clayton Orgles.

Dissociation trailer - YouTube

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Inglés, 2023
Corto, Relacionado

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obra: The Picture in the House (1920) ●●
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