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The Writer - Lovecraft Playing Cards (2015)

Alberto CanoEscritor

Game contents

96 Story Cards (48 cards x 2 decks), 4 Library Cards, 4 Counter Cards, 6 Necronomicon Cards, 1 Cthulhu Dice, 32 counters, 4 basic pawns, Rulebook, 4 Colored Cthulhu Pawns in translucent resin (Collector Edition), 2 Cthulhu Pawns in solid resin (Collector Edition), Cthulhu Mythos Altar in hand-casted and hand painted resin (Collector Edition)

The WriterCthulhu ProjectJul 2015

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The Writer - Lovecraft Playing Cards

Español, 2015
Cartas, Mitos

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