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David Lee Ingersoll

Página oficial: Skookworks Inc.

To Hell or Connaught (junto a Adam Denton, Eckhard Huelshoff, Bradley McDevitt y Marco Morte)2010Ilustrador
Time After Time (junto a Adam Denton, Bradley McDevitt, Marco Morte y Brian Sammons)2010Ilustrador
Three Days of Peace, Music, and Tentacle Love (junto a Shannon R. Bell, Adam Denton y Marco Morte)2010Ilustrador
They Did Not Think It Too Many (junto a Adam Crossingham, Adam Denton, Bradley McDevitt y Marco Morte)2010Ilustrador
Master Wu's Marriage (junto a Adam Denton, Alessandro Mana, Bradley McDevitt y Marco Morte)2010Ilustrador
The Iron-Banded Box (junto a Adam Denton, Michael Dziesinski y Marco Morte)2010Ilustrador
A Hard Road to Travel (junto a Adam Denton, Bradley McDevitt, Marco Morte y Gary Sumpter)2010Ilustrador
Cursed Be the City (junto a Adam Denton, Davide Mana y Marco Morte)2010Ilustrador
Cover for "Strange Aeons II"2010Ilustrador
Children of a Starry Heaven (junto a Christopher Smith Adair, Adam Denton, Bradley McDevitt y Marco Morte)2010Ilustrador
Illustrations for "Terrors from Beyond" (junto a David Conyers y David Grilla)2009Ilustrador
Screaming Crawler2007Ilustrador
Illustrations for "Mansions of Madness (2nd Edition)"2007Ilustrador
The Triumvirate (junto a Ben Counter)2005Ilustrador
The Golden Chalice (junto a Ben Counter)2005Ilustrador
Cover for "The Big Book of Cults"2005Ilustrador

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David Lee Ingersoll
EE.UU., Varón
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