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The Strange Sound of Cthulhu: Music Inspired by the Writings of H. P. Lovecraft

Arguably no other author has inspired more musicians than has Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Here, for the first time, is a book documenting the music inspired by the works of this literary genius, with insights provided by the artists. The book features a foreword by H. P. Lovecraft expert S. T. Joshi and cover artwork by Joseph Vargo

Un libro que documenta la influencia e inspiración que ha ejercido la obra de Lovecraft en una serie de músicos de rock durante los últimos cuarenta años o más, desde los años sesenta hasta principios del presente siglo. Con testimonios de primera mano y prólogo de S. T. Joshi.

0Foreword by S.T. Joshi (to "The Strange Sound of Cthulhu")S.T. Joshi
1H.P. Lovecraft: The Man and his Musical LegacyGary Hill
2Peace, Love, Dunwich: H.P.L's Influence in Psychedelic RockGary Hill
3Miskatonic Mellotrons: Progressive Rock and H.P. LovecraftGary Hill
4The Crunch Meets Cthulhu: Heavy Metal and Lovecraft (Part One)Gary Hill
5Moshing to the Mythos: Heavy Metal and Lovecraft (Part Two)Gary Hill
6Safety Pins and Yog-Sothoth: Punk Rock Takes on LovecraftGary Hill
7Dark Dreams: H.P.L.'s Influence on Gothic MusicGary Hill
8Oliver Taranczewski: Electronic Gothic Elder GodGary Hill
9Nox Arcana: Delving into the NecronomiconGary Hill
10The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets: Lovecraftian Humor Set To MusicGary Hill
11Historical Humor: The H.P. Lovecraft Historical SocietyGary Hill
12Strange Aeons: A Musical Tribute to H.P. Lovecraft and the Cthulhu MythosGary Hill
13More Mythos Mayhem: Other Assorted AppearancesGary Hill
14Miskatonic Miscellany: The Final WordGary Hill

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The Strange Sound of Cthulhu: Music Inspired by the Writings of H. P. Lovecraft

Inglés, 264 págs.
Ensayo, Tangencial
Autoedición, Ago 2006
ISBN: 9781847287762

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The Strange Sound of Cthulhu: Music Inspired by the Writings of H. P. Lovecraft 264 Autoedición 9781847287762
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