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Terror from the Skies

THE LOVECRAFTIAN MYTHOS is populated by many creatures, both singular entities such as Cthulhu and Hastur, and creatures who number in the millions. The shan are an ancient, insect-like alien race fleeing a destroyed homeworld. Forced into a nomadic life they are scattered throughout space. Aeons ago a number of shan arrived on Earth, but certains properties in our sun's light weakens them. Trapped, these first arrivals fell into idlness and decadence, acting only by seeping into the sleeping mind of human beings.

In TERROR FROM THE SKIES bretheren of those first shan have come to Earth, vigorous and agressive, not yet weakened by our sunlight. Their insidious plan threatens the elimination of the human "infestation" and the founding of a new shan homeworld.

0Cover for "Terror from the Skies"Kenneth Solis
1Introduction (to "Terror from the Skies")Colin Hart, Pedro de Castro Araújo, Marco Morte
2A Withby VampireColin Hart, Pedro de Castro Araújo, Marco Morte
3The North York MoorsColin Hart, Pedro de Castro Araújo, Marco Morte
4Durham CathedralColin Hart, Pedro de Castro Araújo, Marco Morte
5CardingtonColin Hart, Pedro de Castro Araújo, Marco Morte
6NewcastleColin Hart, Pedro de Castro Araújo, Marco Morte
7The ListColin Hart, Pedro de Castro Araújo, Marco Morte
8HeliowallColin Hart, Pedro de Castro Araújo, Marco Morte
9The Graf ZeppelinColin Hart, Pedro de Castro Araújo, Marco Morte
10The Last LegColin Hart, Pedro de Castro Araújo, Marco Morte
11AftermathColin Hart, Pedro de Castro Araújo, Marco Morte

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Terror from the Skies

Inglés, 137 págs.
Campaña, La Llamada de Cthulhu
Chaosium (CHA23128), Nov 2012
ISBN: 1568823673

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