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Dead Leaves Fall and Other Halloween Adventures

Monográfico MULA (Miskatonic University Library Association).

Concurso anual de aventuras de Halloween para La Llamada de Cthulhu, organizado por Chaosium. El presente recopilatorio corresponde al año 2011.

For children, Halloween brings to mind candy and costumes, wearing a mask an saying the magic words "trick or treat".

For some adults Halloween is a time of physical and spiritual transition. The earth is shedding its skin like dead leaves falling, and men reflect in fear on the past gone by.

It is a time when the connection between our meaningless existence and the damned is at its closest.

Here are nine Halloween adventures.

0Fear in a BottleJohn A. Almack
1The Lock-InJon Hook
2The Ilsley VariantRick Hudson
3The Confessions of St. Augustine, Chapter CCLXVIIITim Hutchings
4Great Old Ones on the Great White WayJoseph M. Isenberg
5The Costume PartyTim Moriarity
6LemuraliaÓscar Ríos
713 Black CandlesJeff Woodall
8Dead Leaves FallSimon Yee

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Dead Leaves Fall and Other Halloween Adventures

Inglés, 132 págs.
Escenarios, La Llamada de Cthulhu
Chaosium Monograph (CHA#0406), Oct 2011
ISBN: 9781568823614

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