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Escenarios que tienen lugar en cualquier tipo de mina y sus alrededores.

Obras asociadas
Bad Moon Rising1989Marcus RowlandBaja
Nightcap1998Jeff Moeller, Dennis DetwillerBaja
A pedra da serpe1990Jesus María Cortés MeóquiBaja
Sorrow's Glen1990Michael SzymanskiBaja
Beyond the Mine of Kyrolls2021Lewis DaviesMedia
Digging for a Dead God2009John Wick6.00Media
Riot at Red Plank2018Phredd GrovesMedia
The Scales of Time2017Michael P. NagelMedia
Shaft Number 2471980Basil Copper5.67Media
The Spawn1989Harry CleaverMedia
Act I - Into the Throat of the Beast1983John Diaper, Bob Gallagher, Steve Rawling, Ed WimbleAlta
Chapter V: Mountains of the Moon1984Keith Herber9.00Alta
Pride of Yirrimburra1987Penelope Love, Mark MorrisonAlta
The Westerfield Incident2012John Crowe IIIAlta

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