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Escenarios que tienen lugar en cualquier tipo de mina y sus alrededores.

Obras asociadas
Chapter V: Mountains of the Moon1984Keith Herber9.00Alta
Digging for a Dead God2009John Wick6.00Media
Shaft Number 2471980Basil Copper5.67Media
The Westerfield Incident2012John Crowe IIIAlta
The Spawn1989Harry CleaverMedia
Sorrow's Glen1990Michael SzymanskiBaja
The Scales of Time2017Michael P. NagelMedia
Riot at Red Plank2018Phredd GrovesMedia
Pride of Yirrimburra1987Penelope Love, Mark MorrisonAlta
A pedra da serpe1990Jesus María Cortés MeóquiBaja
Nightcap1998Jeff Moeller, Dennis DetwillerBaja
Act I - Into the Throat of the Beast1983John Diaper, Bob Gallagher, Steve Rawling, Ed WimbleAlta
Beyond the Mine of Kyrolls2021Lewis DaviesMedia
Bad Moon Rising1989Marcus RowlandBaja

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