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The Apocalypse MachinePelgrane PressSep 20112
The Big HoodooPelgrane PressFeb 20112
Castle BravoPelgrane PressFeb 20102
Cthulhu ApocalypsePelgrane PressJun 20152
Cthulhu Apocalypse: The Dead White WorldPelgrane PressMar 20112
Cthulhu CityPelgrane PressAgo 20172
Hell FirePelgrane PressOct 20112
Hideous Creatures: A Bestiary of the Cthulhu Mythos 2 opinionesPelgrane Press20182
Hideous Creatures: ShoggothPelgrane PressDic 20132
The Keepers of the WoodsPelgrane PressJun 20162
The Many Deaths of Edward BigsbyPelgrane PressMay 20162
The Murderer of Thomas FellPelgrane Press20082
The Rending BoxPelgrane PressJul 20112
Tomb-Hounds of Egypt 4 opinionesPelgrane PressMar 20155.002
The Watchers in the SkyPelgrane PressFeb 20102
The Black DropPelgrane PressJul 20103
The Dying of St. Margaret'sPelgrane PressAbr 20094.003
Many FiresPelgrane PressNov 20113
RMS Titanic: The Millionaire’s Special 21 opinionesPelgrane PressAbr 20126.003
Soldiers of Pen and Ink 14 opinionesPelgrane PressDic 20143
Stunning Eldritch TalesPelgrane PressSep 20083
Arkham Detective Tales Extended EditionPelgrane PressJun 20114
The Book of the SmokePelgrane PressJul 20118.004
Dulce et Decorum Est 14 opinionesPelgrane PressSep 20146.004
Out of SpacePelgrane PressAbr 20134