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Out of the WoodsPelgrane PressNov 20177.004
Shadows Over FilmlandPelgrane PressMay 20094
Arkham Detective TalesPelgrane PressSep 20095
Mythos Expeditions 8 opinionesPelgrane PressDic 20145
Out of TimePelgrane PressDic 20125
The Repairer of ReputationsPelgrane PressJul 20115
The Armitage Files 19 opinionesPelgrane PressFeb 20106
Bookhounds of LondonPelgrane PressMay 20116
Dreamhounds of Paris 9 opinionesPelgrane PressAbr 20156.006
Rough MagicksPelgrane PressNov 20096.006
Trail of Cthulhu 65 opinionesPelgrane PressAbr 20086
Trail of Cthulhu Keeper's Screen & Resource BookPelgrane PressDic 20088
Eternal Lies 63 opinionesPelgrane PressAgo 20138.009