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1920s Investigator's Companion (1997)

1920s Investigator's Companion (2003)

1920s Investigators' Companion Volume 1: Equipment and Resources (Ago 1993)

1920s Investigators' Companion Volume 2: Occupations and Skills (1994)

1920s Keeper's Kit (1989)

The 1990's Handbook (1995)

23:59:59 (Oct 2019)

246 Corbitt Street (2021)

Les 5 Supplices - Edition Prestige (Jul 2016)

The 7th Edition Guide to Cthulhu Invictus (Oct 2018)

A Time to Harvest. Death and Discovery in the Vermont Hills (Sep 2021)

A un cable de la orilla (Jul 2021)

A un segundo de la medianoche y otras historias (Jul 2022)

The Abbey - Resources for Cthulhu Dark Ages (Feb 2004)

Las abominaciones de Petersen. Cinco relatos épicos de horror moderno (May 2023)

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Mission: Operation Vanguard (Abr 2021)

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Quickstart (Feb 2021)

Achtung! Cthulhu: Assault of the Mountains of Madness (2016)

Achtung! Cthulhu: Documentos de la Guerra Secreta - Pantalla del Guardián (Jun 2017)

Achtung! Cthulhu: Guía del Guardián para la Guerra Secreta (Jun 2017)

Achtung! Cthulhu: Guía del Investigador para la Guerra Secreta (Jun 2017)

Achtung! Cthulhu: Guide to North Africa (Ago 2014)

Achtung! Cthulhu: Guide to the Eastern Front (Ago 2014)

Achtung! Cthulhu: Guide to the Pacific Front (May 2014)

Achtung! Cthulhu: Investigator's Guide to the Secret War (Sep 2013)
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