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The Derleth Mythos (1973)

Richard L. Tierney 1 opinionesEscritor
I grant Derleth the right to his view of the cosmos, but the sad thing is that he has made all too many believe that his view is that of Lovecraft also. This is simply not true. Lovecraft's picture of the universe and Derleth's are completely dissimilar.

Ensayo publicado originalmente en marzo de 1972 en el fanzine 'HPL', un tributo a Lovecraft (editado por Meade y Penny Frierson).

Ficha en ISFDB.

'The Haunter of the Dark', ilustración de Robert Kline.

Dissecting Cthulhu: Essays on the Cthulhu MythosMiskatonic River Press2011
Crypt of Cthulhu #24Cryptic PublicationsAgo 1984

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The Derleth Mythos
Inglés, 1973
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