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Guía de referencia: Malleus Monstrorum (Chaosium, 2006).

Obras asociadas
Monstruos (no humanos) en la Guerra Civil2023Ricard Ibáñez OrtíMedia
Terrors of the Secret War Chapter 3: The Faces of Terror2014Dave Blewer, Lynne Hardy, Jesse Hawkins, Joshua O'Connor, Reuben Saunders, Giorgio Baroni, Ian SchofieldMedia
New Mythos Minions and Monsters2007Bill BartonMedia
African Bestiary2007David ConyersMedia
Deities of the Mythos ("Malleus Monstrorum")2006Marion Anderson, Phil Anderson, Scott David Aniolowski, Bruce Ballon, Bill Barton, Chad J. Bowser, David Conyers, Alan K. Crandall, Günther Dambachmair, John Diaper, Larry DiTillio, Michael Dziesinski, Bob Gallagher, Clifton Ganyard, Stéphane Gesbert, Geoff Gillan, David Hallet, William J. Hamblin, Keith Herber, Kevin W. Jacklin, Sam Johnson, Fred Van Lente, Doug Lyons, Randy McCall, Jeff Moeller, Sandy Petersen, Bruce L. Priddy, Glenn A. Rahman, Steve Rawling, Kevin Ross, Steffen Schütte, Gary Sumpter, Michael Szymanski, G.W. Thomas, Richard Watts, Chris Williams, Lynn Willis, Ed Wimble, Ian WintertonAlta
Creatures of the Mythos ("Malleus Monstrorum")2006Marion Anderson, Scott David Aniolowski, Bruce Ballon, Bill Barton, Fred Behrendt, Chad J. Bowser, John Carnahan, David Conyers, Monte Cook, Larry DiTillio, Mark Eley, Charles Engan, Janice Engan, E.S. Erkes, Clifton Ganyard, Stéphane Gesbert, Sheldon Gillet, Ed Gore, Garrie Hall, Keith Herber, Erik Herber, Robert Horowitz, J. Todd Kingrea, Doug Lyons, Wesley Martin, Kurt Miller, Sandy Petersen, Glenn A. Rahman, Kevin Ross, Marcus Rowland, Brian Sammons, Justin Schmid, Michael Siefner, Gary Sumpter, Pete Tamlyn, John Tynes, Lynn WillisAlta
Creatures of Legend & Folklore2006Scott David Aniolowski, Sandy Petersen, Justin Schmid, Lynn WillisMedia
The Six Realms2005Michael DziesinskiMedia
Creatures ("First Book of Things")2004Michael LaBossiereMedia
Creatures of the Mythos ("The Creature Companion")1998Scott David Aniolowski, Shannon Appelcline, Bill Barton, Fred Behrendt, John Carnahan, Larry DiTillio, Clifton Ganyard, Sheldon Gillet, Ed Gore, Steve Hatherley, Keith Herber, J. Todd Kingrea, Doug Lyons, Randy McCall, Kurt Miller, Sandy Petersen, Kevin Ross, Lynn WillisMedia
Appendix A: Caribbean Animal Life1998Justin SchmidBaja
Criaturas de leyenda1997Ricard Ibáñez OrtíMedia
Alien Races1993Scott David Aniolowski, Keith HerberMedia
Creatures from the Dreamtime1987Sandy PetersenMedia
Notable Inhabitants & Creatures of the Dreamlands1986K.L. Campbell-Robson, Sandy PetersenMedia
New Mythos Deities, Races, and Monsters1985Sandy PetersenMedia
The Cthulhu Mythos1981Sandy PetersenMedia

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