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Terrors from Beyond

Un suplemento con seis escenarios diseñados para jugar con personajes pregenerados.

TERRORS FROM BEYOND is a collection of 1920's and 1930's adventures for Call of Cthulhu, designed for play with pre-genetared characters. The book provides fine opportunities for an improptu game or tournament play and -because the characters are intimately connected with the plot- roleplaying challenges not normally available in most published material. An excellent adventure collection for new and veteran Call of Cthulhu players alike.

0Cover for "Terrors from Beyond"Rick Sardinha
1Illustrations for "Terrors from Beyond"David Conyers, David Grilla, David Lee Ingersoll
2Ghost LightGary Sumpter
3A Method to MadnessJohn A. Almack
4Death by MisadventureGlyn White
5Grave SecretsBrian Courtemanche
6The DigBrian Sammons
7The Burning StarsDavid Conyers

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Terrors from Beyond

Inglés, 208 págs.
Escenarios, La Llamada de Cthulhu
Chaosium (CHA23113), Mar 2009
ISBN: 9781568822877

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