El relato apareció en "El museo de los Horrores", de la editorial EDAF. Se trata de confirmar cómo se han traducido ciertos términos, y el tiempo apremia .
"Sociedad de Investigaciones Psíquicas" o parecido.
Al principio, segundo párrafo: "He resigned from the Society for Psychical Research in 1900 after a series of peculiarly bitter controversies."
"Chorazin", aldea o pueblo.
Al principio del relato: "Around the dreaded house a straggling village arose, populated by Indians and later by renegades from the surrounding contry, which bore the dubious name of Chorazin."
"Fórmulas Aklo" (o "de Aklo" o "en Aklo"...)
Antes de la mitad del relato, justo antes del 19 de Abril: "One contained variants of the Aklo formulae which I had never known to exist. I have not yet examined the books on the dusty shelves downstairs."
"Shamballah", ciudad del desierto.
A la mitad, entrada del 22 de Abril: "I learned of the city Shamballah, built by the Lemurians fifty million years ago, yet inviolate still behind its wall of psychic force in the eastern desert".
"Siete signos perdidos del terror" o parecido.
A dos tercios del relato, entrada del 27 de Abril: "With knowledge of the symbols came likewise a mastery of the Seven Lost Signs of Terror, and a tacit recognition of the hideous and unutterable Words of Fear."
"El libro de las cosas ocultas" o parecido.
Al final, en la entrada del 29 de Abril: "That which I have awaked and borne away with me, I may not part with again. So it is written in the Book of Hidden Things."
Que no cunda el pánico, ya están aclaradas
Gracias a todos,